Our Story
In 2015, my son Big Nick was 5 years old. One day driving home from work I decided I wanted a piece of land that I could go to whenever me and my son wanted to get away. Just so happened that 2 miles from my house, a 26 acre piece was for sale. I looked at it one day and bought it the next. Not having much of a plan of what to do, we decided to walk the land and see where the best place to put a cool cabin would be. As we were walking thru the land, Nick and I started to think about a treehouse instead of a cabin. One thing led to another and here we are.
We now have (8) beautiful treehouses and (2) underground hobbit houses. Its not been easy, lots of set backs along the way but we are proud of what we have built. We are family oriented with a focus on time outside away from the electronics. We have a 70 foot jump pillow to enjoy and a newly added ice skating rink for the Winter. Our goal is to continue providing a place for families to come out and enjoy Rowan County and the outdoors. Enjoy your time on the farm and thanks for checking us out.